Cold morning of November 5, 2009

I woke up with the curtain flowing by the feet numb from the cold wind coming from's November...the 3rd from the 'ber months'.. Well..not that reminds me of those nights in Baguio..the only difference now is that I have someone beside me to bear hug and sneak a morning kiss to... My first concern for the day was what we'll eat for breakfast..I remember we still have some home cooked crispy pata from last night's leftovers..and very hot coffee... after this quick breakfast plan, I went to the bathroom..then checked the phone for the's only 4:29.. we're supposed to be awake at 5..hubby needs to catch the bus by 6 I went back to bed, inside the covers and thanked God for the warmth beside me... after 30 minutes of dozing...brrrr...Hubby got up...plugged the kettle and switched the laptop for our portable TV..and so the day begins... mwah mwah

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