My Ayala Card (A-Card)

I don't throw receipts of anything I buy. I use these to account for every single centavo my hubby and I get from our payroll accounts. Then I saw a poster in Market!Market! about getting a privilege card by presenting a bunch of Php 10,000 worth of accumulated receipts from any of the Ayala Malls. One of the perks for having this card is not having to pay the Php 10.00 utility fee if you use one of their customer lounges which we often use(nice toilet, free M&S powder, mouthwash, M&S lotion, etc. ;) )I have more than this requirement so I applied for one...and gotcha...There were more freebies than I've expected. I already had two free Sisig orders from Gerry's Grill, free dessert from Outback Steakhouse, discounts in their retail stores and more!!!...but sadly, this card is only good until Dec of 2010. Ayala Malls said they will announce what's next after this. Oh, and anyway, it will cost you Php 360.00 to have this card but it's more than worth it!!

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Jennifer's Body

well, I love vampires and I want to see Megan Fox play a role in this movie so I convinced hubby to watch this. And so we went.. routinely bought some fries and burgers and went to the cinema. Duh.. really duh.. the plot was so unconvincing? And now I love Amanda Seyfried more than Megan Fox. Amanda as the antagonist could have been much more convincing and interesting.. nah

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Red Cliff

..hubby and I watched this movie 'coz we can't find any in the movie directory. As usual, we went to Market!Market!, bough buckets of fries and onion rings from New York blah blah(can't remember the complete name). I got overwhelmed by the setting of this movie. It's obvious that the producer spent quite a sum of money to have this movie. The setting is so elaborate, the costumes were historical items, and the cast and extras were so many(well, it tells about a war anyway). Bottom line of this movie is that-A woman can lead a man to success..but she can drive him to destruction too(can't just find better words to say it). BUT! BUT! BUT! this movie is better than 'In My Life'..swear!!

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In My Life

if you don't want to cry for your wasted money then don't watch this movie. It got my attention upon seeing it's full trailer in the TV. I thought it will be a very good movie since it stars Vilma Santos whom I started to love since watching 'Anak'. And well, it really disappointed me. It just tell the story of a sick gay who got well then got hit by a car which got him killed drrrrr.... don't recommend this movie for those who wants detailed and deeper stories...

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... hahahaha...watched Sharon Cuneta and Ai-Ai Delas Alas' movie BFF. Needless to say, with just the cast combination shown in the poster, this film is really funny you'll want more of it. And of course, with the addition of John Estrada which looks really mabango in this film, you can't ask for more. Oh well, and there's Gabby's surprise(?) appearance in the this is another quality movie from Star Cinema ..have a good laugh! watch this!

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The Proposal

..watched the movie 'The Proposal' at Market!Market!. It's a feel good movie starring my now favorite Sandra Bullock and super hunky actor Ryan Reynolds. This movie shows how women bosses could be so intimidating. Sandra Bullock definitely portrayed the role of a high class woman boss terrorizing her subordinates- the witty and highly intelligent type! Ryan Reynolds is the secretary of Sandra Bullock. Sandra's big boss just then notified her that they are firing her because of her Canadian citizenship issues. Sandra then used Ryan telling her bosses that she's getting married with him and so she can't be deported. Well, it won't be nice on my part to spill the thrill on this movie 'coz I really liked it. I recommend this movie for those who wants a romatic comedy-light drama cinema treat!

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Cold morning of November 5, 2009

I woke up with the curtain flowing by the feet numb from the cold wind coming from's November...the 3rd from the 'ber months'.. Well..not that reminds me of those nights in Baguio..the only difference now is that I have someone beside me to bear hug and sneak a morning kiss to... My first concern for the day was what we'll eat for breakfast..I remember we still have some home cooked crispy pata from last night's leftovers..and very hot coffee... after this quick breakfast plan, I went to the bathroom..then checked the phone for the's only 4:29.. we're supposed to be awake at 5..hubby needs to catch the bus by 6 I went back to bed, inside the covers and thanked God for the warmth beside me... after 30 minutes of dozing...brrrr...Hubby got up...plugged the kettle and switched the laptop for our portable TV..and so the day begins... mwah mwah

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